Love and Logic® Class
What is Love and Logic® Parenting?
Love and Logic® is a philosophy of raising and teaching children which allows adults to be happier, empowered, and more skilled in their interactions with children. The technique uses equal parts of empathy with consequences to provide optimum learning from mistakes. This helps to raise children who are self-confident, motivated, and able to solve their own problem when they meet life's challenges.
According to the Love and Logic® Institute, "Love allows children to grow through their mistakes. Logic allows children to live with the consequences of their choices. Love and Logic® is a way of working with children that puts parenting back in control by handing over control you don’t need. It teaches children to be responsible by creating opportunities to increase thinking, problem solving, and the ability to make better decisions. It prepares young people to live in the real world, with its many choices and consequences."
Raising Responsible Kids (Module 1)
Participants will learn:
• That mistakes made early in a child’s life provide as valuable lessons
if handled appropriately by parents
• Why giving repeated warnings and lectures interferes with responsibility
and character
•The importance of holding children accountable for their poor decisions
through the use of logical or natural consequences
•That mistakes made early in life typically have much smaller “price tags”
than those made later on
•Four steps for using childhood mistakes and misbehavior to teach responsibility
•Why teaching responsibility leads to the development of a positive self-concept
The Love and Logic® Formula (Module 2)
Participants will get an introduction to Love and Logic®’s C.O.O.L. formula:
•"C" stands for control that’s shared (the importance of sharing through choices within limits)
•"O" stands for ownership of the problem (why it’s essential that children be allowed to
own and solve the problems they create)
•"O" also stands for opportunity for thinking/decision making (an introduction to using empathy
to place children in "thinking mode" instead of "fight mode"
•"L" stands for let empathy and consequences do the teaching (an introduction to the importance
of using empathy and logical consequences in punishment)
A Control That's Shared (Module 3)
Participants will learn:
•That perceived control is a basic human emotional need
•That we can either give control on our terms or wait for our children to take it from us on their terms
•Specific guidelines of sharing control through choices
•Rules for the appropriate use of choices
•When not to give choices
Ownership of the Problem (Module 4)
Participants will learn:
•About the "Helicopter," "Drill Sergeant," and the "Consultant" styles of parenting
•Why parents who hover and rescue, as well as parents who bark orders steal their
children’s opportunity to solve problems and learn
•Why these two types of parents raise children with low self-esteem
•Five steps for being a Consultant parent who guides their children to own and solve
their problems
•How to determine when it’s your problem versus your child’s
•Tips for avoiding arguments and power struggles
Opportunity for Thinking (Module 5)
Participants will learn:
•Why telling children what to do results in power struggles
•How to set limits by describing what you will do or allow (using "Enforceable Statements")
• How to apply enforceable statements to everyday issues such as
meals, homework, allowance, arguing, etc.
•How to replace idle threats with enforceable limits
• The importance of taking time, getting support, and practicing before implementing
logical consequences (the "Strategic Training Session")
Empathy and Consequences (Module 6)
Participants will learn:
•The difference between logical consequences and punishment
•Why punishment frequently leads to resentment, revenge, avoidance and other problems
• How to use empathy to help children learn from consequences, instead of feeling
resentful and angry
• Why empathy allows parents to remain the “good guy” while allowing the consequences
of their children’s poor decisions to be the "bad guy"
• Guidelines for developing effective logical consequences